The Elsie Locke Writing Prize 2011
This is for Year 7 and 8 students to enter.  You are being asked to write a story about a journey, real or imagined.  The journey could be a physical one that involves travel or a journey of self discovery-or a combination of the two.  It could be set in the past, present, or future.
Judging will be on the ability to engage the reader and convey meaning, a sense of time and place, to organise and develop ideas, clarity and coherence, a flair with language.
Entries need to be 500-600 words, max 600.  They may be handwritten.  All work must be the writer's own.
Entries need to be to me early as they need to arrive by Monday 20 June.
There are great prizes-$400 cash, you are welcome to share this with Mrs Wichman :), $100 book tokens, commemorative bookplate and certificate.
I am happy to read over your 'work in progress' and make any suggestions.

Hi Daniel, thanks for the message to update us on how you're getting on.  Yes Rotorua does smell a bit, but after you've lived there for a while you won't even notice it.  It is a lovely city and you'll enjoy the lakes in summer.  Keep sending us news of how you're getting on.
Mrs W

I hear Kathryn is catching up with her family soon in Scotland so thought I would leave a message to say  'hi'.  Gosh you poor things having to put up with Kathryn for two weeks (just joking, I think she's great).  I hope you have a lovely time with your Kiwi family and I hope you enjoy this blog.

We were lucky enough to have Grace from Christchurch spend a few weeks at Mangorei School.  After the February earthquake Grace and her family headed to New Plymouth to stay with relatives.  Grace settled in to our school wonderfully and it was as though she had been with us all year.  We were sad to see her go, but realise that she and her family needed to get back to their Christchurch life.  We wish them all the very best and hope that she will make contact with us, maybe through this blog.