Well done to the following Room 6 kids who were selected as part of the BP Tech teams for this year. Ryan, Jack, Natasha, Danielle, Lexie, Summer, Joel, Louise, Nicole, Chris and Kimberley.

I was delighted when fourteen of our children entered into this writing competition.  It is run by Learning Media who create our school journals.  This will be a very popular writing competition as it would have been offered to all schools.  Part of the prize for the winner is to have their story published in one of the school journals.  There is also huge prize money for the winner, plus a plaque.  A couple of cheeky kids admitted to me that they were only in it for the prize money!  Good on them, but hopefully they had a love of writing too!  The stories were fabulous and there were a few that I think the judges will consider quite highly. So, well done to Joel, Georgia, Kathryn, Bernie, Hugo, Alice, Kimberley, Kristen, Ryan, Jack, Callum, Louise, Summer and Chris.  We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.  These children received our assembly certificates this week.
Mrs W

Our Year 8 Debate Team competed against Sacred Heart in a challenging debate on whether Rugby should be an amateur sport.  Our girls competed very well under the guidance of Avril Bray, but unfortunately could not take out a win.  This means their journey in the interschool debate competition is finished for the year.  Well done to these girls as it has required them to work in their own time to be prepared for the events.
Mrs W

Well done to the people who received certificates in assembly.
Danielle, Natasha, Louise and Nicole for excellent presentation skills and general diligence in class.  Ryan and Kimberley for being very clever young mathematicians and Corey for a huge effort and improvement in personal reading. Good on you. 
Mrs W  

Congratulations to the following children for receiving certificates at assembly: Bernie for having a great sense of humour, Hugo for upping his game in handwriting, Georgia for her wonderful manners and the respect she shows others, Joel for excellent analysing of a text.  Well done to you all.  Keep it up.
Mrs W

Well done to the gardeners in our class for their part in Mangorei School's garden competition.  Our entrants were Kimberley and Corey.  Your gardens looked great.

Full Primary Schools Swimming Sports at Bell Block
Congratulations to the following children who have been chosen to represent Mangorei School in this event:  Nathan, Alice, Kristen, Louise, Nicole, Jack, Callum, Corbin.

Wearable Arts-March
Summer was chosen to meet the Supreme Winner of the NZ Wearable Arts.  They got to learn how to make a costume with her and her team. Summer's costume was  a yellow Samoan outfit with frills and feathers.  Glitter was added to it and WOMAD was written in glitter on the front and back. She had a headband with a feather on it.  She looked fab and had a great time making and parading the costumes.
Summer and Mrs W

Class Councillors-March
After a class vote it has been decided that Corbin Giddy and Lexie McGechan will be our Class Councillors for the first half of the year. Kathryn Berrie and Joel Glynn are our deputies.  Congratulations to them all.
Mrs W

Don't try getting into an argument with Chris, Jack, Louise, Callum, Kathryn or Lexie!  These children are part of our Year 7 and Year 8 debating teams.  They will be working with Mrs Bray to develop their debating skills and then will be competing against Year 7 and 8 teams from other schools nearer the end of this term.  Represent our school well you kids!
Mrs W

Well done to Hugo and Corey for taking part in the Interschool Golf tournament.
Mrs W

Well done to the people who got certificates for their hard work and good attitudes this week. Summer got her certificate for always having a helpful and thoughtful way in Rm6. Daniel got his certificate for excellent reading skills, well done Daniel. Kristen and Kathryn got theirs for always having a smile on their faces and being positive everyday. Lauren has been helping Mr Allen with the pool this year all on her own initiative, great work Lauren. Callum got his certificate for his outstanding writing and his amazing creativity. Nicole achieved her Sporting Excellence certificate towards her honours, great work Nicole.
By Joel

Senior Assembly-March
Well done to Finn, Tylo and Alice who were really 'put on the spot' by Mrs W when she asked them to stand up in assembly and talk about their findings in the Science homework investigations.  They did really well, spoke with confidence and authority on the subject they studied.

Congratulations to Alice becoming AMBASSADOR  for the first two terms of 2011, and Tylo becoming Deputy AMBASSADOR! To win this role they had to do a three minute speech in front of their peers which is a really hard thing to do.  After that they had to have an interview with Mr Greer, Mr Poulgrain, Mrs Sims and Mrs Stuck and that would have been a really, really hard thing to do.  There were a lot of children who tried out for these positions.  Good Job Guys!
By Jack

House Captains-February
Congratulations to Joel, Lexie and Nathan for being selected as House Captains for the first two terms of 2011.  We think they were good choices for the job and we know they will do well.  The first task for them will be guiding their houses at our senior swimming sports and then the Triathlon/Biathlon coming up.
Mrs W

Nathan Morgan-February
Congratulations to Nathan on being selected for the New Plymouth Under 15 Basketball team.  What a great achievement that is!  We look forward to hearing of continued basketball success for him.
Mrs W